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    Making IT Happen

    Container security 101

    Container security 101

    By dragon

    Understanding the Basics of Securing Containers By now, it’s apparent to cybersecurity teams everywhere that the ­proverbial container genie is out of the bottle. Developers have widely embraced containers because they make building and deploying so-called cloud native applications simpler than ever. Not only do containers eliminate much of

    What is VPN

    What is VPN

    By Allan

    Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) are becoming increasingly popular as people seek to protect their online privacy and security. But what is a VPN, and how does it work? In this article, we'll provide a comprehensive guide to VPNs, including how they work, their benefits, and the different types

    How to customize your App and still get all updates

    How to customize your App and still get all updates

    By Allan

    In this article, we will look at several problems that every developer who uses a boilerplate can face: * How to customize your project * How to store it in your repository and still be able to pull all updates All app templates and boilerplates are built to implement all possible functions

    A Primer on NMAP

    A Primer on NMAP

    By Allan

    NMAP is a powerful network exploration and security auditing tool that is commonly used by network administrators and cybersecurity professionals. It is an open source tool that allows users to easily scan large networks to identify active hosts, open ports, services, and their associated versions. NMAP uses a variety of

    A DNS Primer

    A DNS Primer

    By Allan

    For more primers like this, subscribe to get notifications about them as they are released. What is DNS? Domain Name System (DNS) makes the Internet usable to humans by providing a naming structure for online resources and mapping those names to the addresses where the resources reside. Without it, websites