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    Making IT Happen

    The 7 Software “-ilities” You Need To Know.

    The 7 Software “-ilities” You Need To Know.

    By Allan

    In the world of software architecture, there are many “-ilities” you must take into consideration with every project. Prioritizing them is necessary because the client will optimistically ask that you do all of them. To help you out, here is a quick list outlining my top 7 default “-ilities” in

    Hello World in the REPL

    Hello World in the REPL

    By Allan

    When called without arguments, Node.js starts a REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop), also known as the “Node shell”. At a command prompt, type node. $ node > At the Node shell prompt > type "Hello World!" > "Hello, World!" 'Hello World!' And that's it, really

    Hello World command line

    Hello World command line

    By Allan

    Node.js can be used to create command line utilities. The example below reads the first argument from the command line and prints a Hello message. To run this code on a Unix System: 1. Create a new file and paste the code below. The filename is irrelevant. 2. Make

    Hello World HTTP server

    Hello World HTTP server

    By Allan

    First, ensure that you have Node.js installed on your platform. We use In this example, we'll create an HTTP server listening on port 1337, which sends Hello, World! to the browser. Note that instead of using port 1337, you can use any port of